Trusts and successions

The implementation in Italy of the Hague Convention of July 1, 1985, relating to trusts and their recognition, made it possible to introduce and regulate the institute of trust also in the Italian legal system.
The trust takes the form of a legal relationship between the settlor (who owns the assets) and the trustee (who administers the assets).
The settlor transfers certain assets or rights to the trustee, who must administer them in favor of a third beneficiary or for a specific purpose.
The main effect of this institution is the segregation of the assets conferred in the trust from those of the original settlor. This means that the assets transferred to the trust constitute separate assets from the assets of the trustee, with the effect – among others – of not being attacked by the creditors of the natural person, be it the settlor or the beneficiary.
As you can understand, it is a complex and articulated architecture requiring the utmost scruple and competence on the part of those who establish and regulate it. Therefore it is important to rely on professionals with a good experience in the field.
The Dionisio Law Firm has been dealing for several years with the drafting of these documents with all the required guarantees and attentions.
Still, on the subject of the disposal, management, or transfer of assets, our firm also deals with:
• acceptance of inheritance
• drafting of wills
• donations
• support management
• interdiction.
Studio Legale Dionisio
The firm operates on a local and national level and has international connections with professionals identified during its many years of activity.